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If podcasts are your preferred method of on-the-go entertainment, our creators have produced some fantastic choices. We like to feature a lot of cross-over subjects; the best part of a podcast is the free-form content, right? Everything from relationship podcasts, to commentary with comedy, all the way down to philosophical explorations can be found across multiple shows, and often within the same episodes!

Each of the projects featured at Little Brown House may be expanded through podcasts. We encourage our creators to collaborate where podcasters feature their fellow authors, artists, and musicians. Audiences can expect to hear cross-over subjects across multiple platforms. That’s the point! We aren’t going to tell Comedy to sit in the corner while Deep Analysis and Psychology get to play. Our goal is to see what happens when we have conversations like we would in our living room. Casual can turn deep really quickly! And something heavy can still be funny. Cozy, fly-on-the-wall podcasts help you feel like you’re part of the discussion.

We feature the On Again Off Again podcast which is brought to you by a married couple who reviews fictional relationships to determine whether or not they could have made it. These shows often play around with the same humor and comedy from the shows their reviewing, while also taking a realistic look at relationships and human interaction in general. Another of our featured podcasts is The Maiden’s Method Podcast. These discussions focus on writing, story structure, analysis, and reviews to pick apart how stories may or may not follow the Feminine story structure known as The Maiden’s Method.

If you’re a podcast addict looking for a new recommendation, come on in to the Little Brown House!